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Lyubov C’s Mushroom Salad

This recipe comes from the residents of the Loxton Lodge Older Person’s Estate in Windsor, Victoria. The array of dishes reflects the many diverse cultures living in Melbourne’s diverse and dynamic inner suburbs.

  • Recipe from the recipe book Simple Pleasures.
  • Recipes compiled from the residents of Loxton Lodge.


  • We encourage you to experiment when making these recipes, perhaps using vegetables and herbs from your garden.



Mix oils together and heat in a frying pan.


Add sliced mushrooms and fry until all juices have evaporated.


Add salt, pepper and diced onion, and cook gently until tender (5–10 minutes). Remove from heat.


When mushroom mixture has cooled, combine with the eggs and then fold mayonnaise through.


TIP: Garnish salad with chopped fresh parsley, chives or mint from your garden.

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